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(华夏文学同题4) 想你的时候,我只想唱悲伤的歌(诗歌)原创(中英文对比阅读)  

2014-04-04 23:39:13|  分类: 欧阳欣悦(中英文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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怀念亲人 - 懒猪 - 懒猪博客


(华夏文学同题4) 想你的时候,我只想唱悲伤的歌(诗歌)原创(中英文对比阅读) - 欧阳欣悦 - 欧阳欣悦的第一博


When thinking of you, I only want to sing a sad song


This poem to me about that: Heaven's mother



Authors: Ouyang Xinyue



There is a feeling, will make you, unforgettable. There is a miss, will make you, hard.


Each person will have joy, sadness; each, also will have the happiness of childhood, youth is beautiful;


And buried deep in the heart of the sad and tangle.






Situation in mind.

砂粒的博客 .

又到了 清明的日子

The Tomb Sweeping Day

我早早地 折叠好纸钱

I arrived early folded paper money

这是我 为天堂里的妈妈

This is my heaven's mother


While preparing for the Ching Ming Festival gift

妈妈, 请不要嫌弃的我小气

Mom, please don't mind, I mean

工作的繁忙 生活的疲惫

The busy work life

我如今 只能自己一个人来担当

Now I can only own a person to bear

今年的清明节 我又要在你的故乡度过

This year's festival and I spent in your hometown

明明是明天的日子 可是我

It is the day of tomorrow but I

只能选择今天 给你捎上纸钱

Can only choose to send you money today

微薄的 小小的心意 是我的

Poor little heart is my

一份 思念你的 情思的继续

Keep a miss your feelings



因为我 明天没有放假

Because I don't have a holiday tomorrow

所以 我只好选择了今天

So I chose today

来为你 许愿 祈祷   

To make a wish for you to pray

每到今天的这个日子 我就会

Each to this day I will

更加地想念你 更加地思念着你

I miss you more and more missing you

每到今天的这个日子 我都会

Every day to this day I will

跟妹妹一起 不约而同地

With my sister invariably

为你 奉上 我们姐妹的一点点心意

In order to offer you our sister's little mind

砂粒的博客 .


妈妈,明天的礼物 您收到了吗

Mom, tomorrow's gift you received it

妈妈 , 妹妹对你说的话

Mom, sister said to you

你是不是 都能够听得见

You Is it right? Can hear

也许 你不会忘记我 不会忘记

Maybe you won't forget me not forget

我是一个 不爱多说话的女儿

I am a few words daughter

可是 一直以来 我都知道

But I always knew

你很喜欢我 喜欢我给您唱歌

You like me like I sing to you

喜欢我给您 轻盈地舞蹈

Like I give you lightly dance



妈妈, 您今晚 可曾看见我

Mom, have you seen me tonight

在公园广场上 一个人为您舞蹈了吗

At the park plaza one for you to dance

记得 您生病的那个时候

Remember that when you are sick

您经常要求我 为您在医院里跳舞

You often ask me to dance for you in the hospital

为了 不影响同室里病友的反感

In order not to affect the patients body in disgust

我 耐心地跟您商量

I patiently to discuss with you


Please wait for us to go home

我带您去 我们县城的公园广场上跳舞

Dance me to take you to our County Park Plaza

砂粒的博客 .

每当我想起那个时候 您的样子

Whenever I think of the time you look


Would you like a good old boy

我还清楚的记得 周围的人们

I still clearly remember the people around


We often make fun of the mother and daughter

我更清楚的记得您 慈祥的模样

I remember your kind

我还记得您 不怕病魔 顽强地

I also remember that you are not afraid of illness stubborn

跟病魔做最后的斗争 和勇敢

The final struggle with the disease and brave

妈妈 ,您是一个的坚强不屈的妈妈

Mom, you are a mother, be firm and inflexible



今夜里的繁星 是否满布夜空

The stars are all night tonight

我没有在意 没有在意

I do not care do not care about

因为 我只在乎 我只在乎 你是否

Because I care about what I care about you

真的 收到了我们姐妹给您捎去的礼物

Really received our sister give you gifts

砂粒的博客 .

妈妈,妈妈 天堂里的妈妈

Mother, mother in heaven mother

如果有来生 如果可以重头开始

If the next life if I could do it all over again

我只希望 下辈子 还做你的女儿

I just want to do your daughter

妈妈呀 妈妈 清明节里的妈妈

Mother mother mother in the Qingming Festival


You are doing

妈妈呀 妈妈 亲爱的妈妈

Mother mother dear mother

您知道爸爸 他也很想念着你嘛

You know dad he is thinking of you

他把你的遗像放大了以后 挂在了

He took your portrait magnified after hanging in the

你曾经住过的房间里 一直收藏

Have you ever lived in the room has been collection

那份情爱 唯有我才能够看懂 看懂

That only I can read to understand love



妈妈呀 妈妈 如果有来生

Mother mother if there is an afterlife

我真的好想你 立马就来到我的身边

I really miss you immediately came to my side

夕阳西下的炊烟旁边 我借着

Sundowners smoke next to me by

春风 为我给你送去了 送去了

The spring breeze for I sent you to send to the


Across time and miss and miss

忘不了的亲情 听不完的哀乐

Forget the love listening to endless sorrow

伴随着雨丝 洒落在 四月的春天

With the rain fell in the spring of April

今夜 我守着夜空 向您把心语深情地倾诉

Tonight, I watch the night sky to your heart deeply talk

想起你的 我只想为你唱一首悲伤的歌曲

I think of you only want to sing a sad song for you

明年的清明 我定要为您送一首快乐的新曲

Next year's Qingming I must send a happy song for you


(华夏文学同题4) 想你的时候,我只想唱悲伤的歌(诗歌)原创(中英文对比阅读) - 欧阳欣悦 - 欧阳欣悦的第一博





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