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(华人达人联合同题4)春雨浇灌着原野的心田 (诗歌)原创 (中英文对比阅读)  

2014-04-10 08:38:34|  分类: 欧阳欣悦(中英文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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【博客素材】日志组合框《开花季节》 - 浅草细浪 - 浅草细浪


Spring rain watering the fields of heart


Authors: Ouyang Xin Yue


葱郁的松桦林 正在迎接着

The lush pine forest is to greet

迎接着 炎热的盛夏

To meet the hot summer

四月的春雨 追逐着风儿

April rain chasing the wind

慢悠悠地 浇灌着 浇灌着

Slowly pour water

渴望 滋润的翠海桑田

Longing Chui sea Kuwata

奔走夏季的风 合着春雨

Around the summer wind with rain

一路风尘仆仆地 追踪时光

The worn outafter all the way to track the time

心甘情愿的爱 洒落原野山林之间

Between the be most willing to love on the fields and woods




春雨 浇灌着 浇灌着 这一片

Spring rain watering watering the piece

清脂緑叶的 原野的心田

Remove fat, green fields of heart

剪断青丝 放不下 风儿似如沙

Cut the hair not put the wind like sand

梨花雨前 爱缠绵 雨儿飘飘落天涯

Pear rain love lingering rain floats down the horizon



欲说相思 心不甘 道不如说那

To say that love heart unwilling way rather than that

一年又一年 走过的春冬秋夏

A year passed another year of spring summer autumn winter

看梨树枝上 开满花 香气儒雅

Look at the pear tree branches full of flower fragrance elegance

试问 红尘里面 有多少舞姿似如霞

Ask the how many there are dance like Xia

风情中 梨花情结 风飞沙

Customs complex wind sand pear

瞧一眼 醉雨千红的梨花雨

Look at the colorful drunk rain in spring

真如那 真如那 随风飘动的

If it is like the breeze

红袖女郎 婀娜多姿凡间下

The tea under the girl very pretty and charming


葱郁的松桦林呀 你是 山林的家

Lush pine birch forest home ah you are

四月的丝雨 滋润了你的胸怀

April rain to nourish your mind

四月的梨花雨 美艳了你青春的容颜

April in spring and the face of your youth

而这雨丝 却在一直不断地

The rain has been constantly

化作亲情 轻轻的坠落的时刻

Gently falling into family time

你的 这片山林的土地上

This piece of mountain your land

顷刻间 多了百倍的清晰模样

A clear pattern 100 times more

山鸟儿细听着 山野里的红杜鹃花

The children listened mountain red azaleas

在这浇遍春雨的原野里 静悄悄的开放

In the spring of watered fields quietly open








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