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你是午夜明月中的泪滴 (诗歌)原创 (龙魂征文)(中英文对比阅读)  

2013-10-30 22:32:11|  分类: 欧阳欣悦(中英文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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假如,今生不曾错过你【组图、音乐】 - 火凤凰 - hfh9989的博客



You are the moon in the night.


(pictures / collection / network)


Authors: Ouyang Xinyue


趟过 朦朦胧胧的河流

Through the hazy River

心存 纠缠不清的杂念

How to become entangled in thoughts

午夜里的星河 依稀朦胧

In the midnight star mistily

你的心海 残留从前的伤痕

Your heart remains old scars


星雨之后 午夜的星辰朦胧

The rain after midnight stars dim

你在 记忆的河流里梦语

You dreaming in the memory of the river.

假如 喝上一杯孟婆的忘情水

If you drink a cup of water to forget t.

兴许 你的心里 这会儿

Maybe your mind now

只存下 一丁点 婆娑般的泪眼

Only a little dancing like tears

以及 一点点 模糊的记忆

And a little vague memory


午夜里的秋雨 打响了窗棂

Midnight rain started through the window

你的心与灵魂 也随着雨声

Your heart and soul also along with the rain

飞出了 窗户之外的 切黑夜空

Cut black sky and flew out the window outside

不需要 望着月光 垂泪

Don't need the moonlight shed tears

你只是 在夜幕下 沉思默想

You just be in a brown study at night

你只是想 趟过静静地 夜河

You just want to go through the quiet night River


刚下过的雨点 就如月光中的眼泪

Just under the rain is like tears in the moonlight

清洗了 空气中的尘埃

Cleaning the dust in the air

光洁了 柔和般的夜空

Smooth and soft like the night sky

你就如月光下面 一尘不染的泪滴

You just like the moonlight maintain one's original pure character.


清洗了江河 小溪 平原

Cleaning the rivers and streams in the plain

燃美了高原 山顶 盆地

Burning beautiful plateau mountain basin

午夜里 缓缓腾升的紫嫣云雾

Slowly rise of purple Yan cloud midnight

一如 飘飘洒洒的身姿

Like fluttering Sasa posture

毫不犹豫地 越过慢慢长夜

Do not hesitate to cross the nights

把秋夜 装扮得温馨 而又婀娜多姿

The autumn evening dress up warm and very pretty and charming








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