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燃烧吧,四月的风 (诗歌)原创(第二届《龙魂杯》全国网络文学征文 )(中英文对比阅读)  

2013-04-25 21:13:01|  分类: 欧阳欣悦(中英文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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燃烧吧,四月的风 (诗歌)原创 - 欧阳欣悦 - 欧阳欣悦的第一博




燃烧吧 ,四月的风

Burn, the wind of April


(pictures / collection / network)


Authors: Ouyang Xinyue



愤怒的海 狂笑着 奔腾着

The angry sea Pentium roared with laughter


Wave after wave of waves

为什么 要 如此的怒吼

Why are you so angry

我要扑岸 我要狂欢

I want I want to binge on shore

海风也要跟着它们 一起呼啸

The sea breeze will follow them roar

呼啸 海的女儿 快点飞越海面

Was the daughter of the sea go over the sea



肆意的风 怒吼着 怒吼着

The wanton wind howled and roared

一阵快过一阵 剑般的呼喊

A faster than a sword like shouting

四月的风 燃烧吧 燃烧

The wind of April burning combustion

让 激情燃烧的岁月 不要在

Let the passion burning years not in

四月的里程中 荒废青春

In April the mileage wasting youth

赶快地 加快前进的脚步

Hasten to accelerate the pace of progress

叫爱的信念 转换成风的使者起飞

The messenger call love faith conversion wind off

把真诚地爱念和关怀 快速的传递给雅安芦山

The sincere love and care rapid transfer to Ya'an Lushan




今夜 我为你 点一盏明灯

Tonight I for you light a lamp

亲爱的小宝贝呀 你快点回来

Dear little baby you hurry back


Your parents are struggling to get your call


Your parents are crazy to you



假如 这盏灯 还不够明亮

If the lamp is not bright

我愿意借用 四月的清风

I would like to borrow the April breeze

快点儿 快点儿 叫醒你燃烧

Hurry up hurry up you burn

爱无止境 火好像在燃烧整个村庄

Love without end fire as the burning the whole village



流淌的泪水 可以掩埋大海

The flowing tears can be buried in the sea

破碎的心儿 他们难以自拔

Broken heart them to extricate themselves

失去亲人的痛苦 我们能够体会

The pain of lost loved ones we can experience

仰望苍天 你们是不是 太残酷?

Look up to the heavens and you Is it right? Too cruel?



燃烧吧 燃烧 四月的清风

Burning burning April breeze

小小的火柴头 闪烁点点光亮

Match head small flashing lights

流泪的白蜡烛 代表着亲人的泪滴

Tears of the white candle represents relatives tears

泪雨成行 可是 我想请你不要太绝望

Rain out but I wanna ask you not to be too desperate





燃烧吧 燃烧 燃烧的四月

Burning burning burning in April

看这一片 透过云层的火焰

Look at this a through clouds of flame

在烧红 夜幕下的夜空

In the red night sky

白纸青灰 苍天 陪着你们流泪

White gray sky accompany you cry

你们的悲哀 就是我们的悲哀

Your sorrow is our sorrow

你们的明天 正需要我们一起为你们祈祷

You will need us to pray for you





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