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让爱,穿越时空的桑田 (诗歌)原创 (中国网络散文家协会精品同题)(中英文对比阅读)  

2013-11-29 22:36:27|  分类: 散文家协会命题专 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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让爱,穿越时空的桑田 (诗歌)原创 - 欧阳欣悦 - 欧阳欣悦的第一博



Let love, through time and space change


(pictures / collection / network)


Authors: Ouyang Xinyue


捧起 一天天的星斗

Pick up a daily star

撒满 漫野的夜空

Shaman - man of the night sky

穿越 时空的 桑田

Through time and space change

长长短短 方方圆圆

Long short square round

月光还在 四月的天空再现

The moon in April sky reproduction

一地的苍茫原野 不愿把泥土远离

A vast wilderness than the mud away from



爱你一万你 爱念永不变

Love you ten thousand of your love will never change

一次次的 真情表白

A true confession

犹如 春雨倾情 涌现

Like a spring rain Qingqing emergence

星辰 闪闪烁烁 亮眼

Stars shining bright

你把 心语善良 奉献

You put the heart good dedication

星星的眼睛 明亮的望着你的眼睛

The star of bright eyes looked into your eyes


摘下 一片片的 星辰

Take a piece of the stars

你想把 心儿 与它们靠拢

You want to put the heart and they move closer

只要为了它们 继续在天空上明亮

For as long as they continue to bright in the sky.

你宁可 放弃快乐和生命

You would rather give up happiness and life

时空的 沧海桑田之中

Time changes.

你让心儿 跟着 宇宙接轨

You let the heart with the universe.



生死 无所谓 亲情 大于天

Life and death is no more than a day of affection


The Millennium promise promise


You just for a moment.


Wait a year


You have to forget about the missing

严寒之中 眼眸里的泪滴 淹没了桑田

Cold eyes tears flooded fields

千千变变 是非与传奇

Thousands of variable is non and legend

你让自己 变成 彩蝶飞越世纪

You let yourself become butterflies fly over the century



爱到一万年 谁能看得见

Love ten thousand years who can see

你一世间的期许 早就成无言的话语

You are a world expectations would be silent words

蝶飞花落 心随流星 坠落人海

Butterfly flying off the heart with the falling star sea

流云漫步的时光里 固守夜幕

Cloud stroll in time to the night

夜 落幕了 星星远离了属于它们的村落

The night ended the stars away from their village

月光没了 都说是躲到了云朵里

The moon did not say is hid in the clouds



你们的思念 几经了多少磨难

Your thoughts after many hardships

你们的期待 难以用时间计算

You expect to use time calculation

年复一年 谁能看懂你们的双眼

Year after year who can understand your eyes

回首往事 聚聚散散

Look back the past gathers

风雨中经历过多少年 爱就是

After many years of love is in the rain

你们的信念 爱才能 经得起 考验

Your beliefs can stand the test of love



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